Principal’s Mihi
Ko te mihi tuatahi ki tõ tātou Matua nui i te rangi, ko ia rā te timatatanga me te whakamutunga o ngā mea katoa. Me mihi atu kia rātou mā te hunga mate, haere koutou, haere koutou, haere koutou. Mihi hoki ki te hunga ora, kia tātou te kānohi ora tēnā rā tātou katoa. No reira kia ora ra e te whanau o Manganuiowae. Nau mai hoki mai ki tenei wahanga tuawha o te tau. Ko te wa hoki o te raumati.
Welcome back whanau to the last term of the year. This term coming into summer will be another busy time for the kura. After the long weekend we will be holding our Whanau Community Consultation Hui (24th October, 11am) The school will be closed for this hui so that all our staff can come along and join in the forward planning for 2019 onwards. It is timely that we, as a whanau review school charter and strategic plans for the next 3-4 years. It is very important to come and take part in the discussion. Check out the rest of the newsletter to see whats up and coming this term.
Up and Coming
Week 1: Term 4
- 15/10/18 – School Starts
- 16/10/18- NZSTA HR Audit, Attendance Audit
- 17/10/18- Core Education : Cassandra to visit
- 19/10/18- Newsletter Out
Week 2: Term 4
- 22/10/18- School Closed – Labour Day
- 23/1018- PPTA visit, SAF: Fiona
- 24/10/18-Community Consultation Hui – 11am
- 27-28/10/18- NZSTA Mini Conference: Whangarei
Week 3: Term 4
- 29/10/18-BOT October Meeting 3.30pm
Junior School
PB4L is the abbreviation for Positive Behaviour For Learning. This philosophy proposes that effective learning happens when whanau and kaiako acknowledge positive attributes and achievement of akonga. A few of our Juniors were commended for some of their accolades just before we had our Cross Country on the last day of Term 3. We changed the kupu PB4L to “Manganuiowaetanga”, meaning, “This is the kind of success and good behaviour we promote here at Manganuiowae”
Term 3 visit from Duffy Books
- Te Huia Maika with Duffy book role models
- Duffy theatre actors
- Emmy-Lou Pirini received Duffy books from role models
In the last week of Term 3 Duffy book role models visited our school and presented a play about ‘Bullying’ to the Junior School (Years 1-8). Students thoroughly enjoyed the production, because it was fun, engaging and it “promotes diversity and acknowledges that every child is different when it comes to reading”. Students were presented with Duffy books as gifts at the end of the session. A huge “Thanks” goes to Whaea Ngaire Morey for organising the event and acknowledgements are also extended to Mainfreight NZ for this wonderful program that supports our students to improve their reading.
New Teacher (Years 1-3)

Jasmine Pirini
Kia ora whānau,
My name is Jasmine Pirini and I am the new teacher for the Years 1-3 students in Term 4 2018.
I have recently completed my Bachelor of Education (Teaching) degree and I am excited to be working at Broadwood Area School and more specifically at the Junior Department to support a wonderful group of vibrant and diverse students.
Please feel welcome to contact me at email: [email protected] or via school telephone number: 09 4095878 if you have any queries about your child, tamariki or mokopuna, in our class. Alternatively, we can book a time to meet after school if that is more suitables.
Mauri ora,
Whaea Jasmine Pirini
Learning Theme for Term 4
This term our topic of learning is “Tangaroa“.
Ko Tangaroa te atua o te moana, ngā awa, ngā roto me te oranga o roto.
Tangaroa is the god of the sea, rivers, lakes and all life within them.
Learning during this term will include:
- karakia and whakataukī pertaining to Tangaroa
- the importance of Tangaroa within Māori culture
- sustainability and the importance of the marine environment
- the meaning of kaitiakitanga within the marine environment
- statistics – rubbish count
- water safety
- tikanga Māori
- marine species life cycles/food webs
- fishing devices/techniques (both old and new)
- weather, tides, moon
- during week 8 we will be organising a fishing competition at a local beach
- during week 9 we aim to have an art exhibition and celebrate our learning with shared kai moana dishes.
If you have any ideas about how you might be able to support our students learning, please let myself or Whaea Eileen know.
On behalf of the Junior School,
Whaea Jasmine Pirini
Middle School
Middle School Science
Our school-wide academic theme for Term 4 is “Tangaroa“. We will be exploring aspects of wai in general and in particular the marine environment. Everything in nature are inter-connected and our approach to our learning programmes promote the whanaungatanga among the various subject areas. Maori folklore is steeped with aspects of the oceans and our tikanga is rich in marine Putaiao.
Matua Phil is BACK!!!
Just the other day I overheard this shout of “tautoko” of a senior student when he saw Matua Phil down the corridor, “Matua Phil, you’re back!” This is undeniable evidence that Matua Phil has become one of the popular teachers at Manganuiowae. One of the reasons for this is because of the beautiful subject that he teaches: “Hard Materials Technology“. Maori students are very creative and this subject opens up a doorway for them to express their creativity is a different form. Matua Phil left us at the end of Term 1 with “Construction-Credits” in the kete of a few hard-working students. I have inserted the photo below to remind ourselves of the wonderful work he has accomplished with the Middle School students in Term 1 of this year as well.
Senior School
TE REO MĀORI – He mihi mahana
“Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te kārohirohi i mua i tou huarahi”
Tēnā koutou te whānau whānui, he mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa i runga i ngā piki me ngā heke o te wā. Manakohia i whakatā pai koutou i ngā wiki e rua kua pahure ake nei. Nau mai hoki mai anō ki a tātou tamariki mokopuna ki te wahanga tuawhā o te tau nei. Te āhua nei e hikaka ana rātou katoa ki te whakapou kaha, werawera i roto i ngā mahi o ia akomanga, o ia akomanga.
Te mutunga kē mai o te harikoa!
Ano nei, kāore e roa ka huri ngā tuakana ō tō tātou kura ki ngā aromatawai ā waho (Externals), ā, ka mutu moata rātou ki te rangahau me te parakatihi mo aua momo mahi hei te wiki tuatoru e heke mai nei.
Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui koutou mā!
Ka mutu, ko te kaupapa whānui o te wā ko ‘TANGAROA” te Atua, te kaitiaki o Te Moana nui a Kiwa. He kaupapa pai tēnei i te mea ko tēnei te wahanga ka tino puta mai a Tamanui-te-rā me ōna painga katoa, arā, ko te kaukau, ko te kohi kaimoana, ko ngā hākinakina hoki. Nā reira, e harikoa ana te ngākau, te wairua, te hinengaro me te tinana ki te ruku hōhonu ki roto i ēnei kaupapa tino whkahirahira ki a tātou te iwi Maori.
“Tama tū, tama ora, Tama noho, tama mate”
Senior Science
There is a whakatauki that states, “Time and tide waits for no-one.” Time is becoming more precious as we move closer to the inevitable end of 2018 and to the reality of having met our academic goals. Science is well-represented in the November External Examinations and Science students need to make use of every bit of available time to catch up with the mahi that still demands attention. Students of Science should never forget to make good use of assistance while assistance is still available.
In nature the parent birds bring bird-kai (worms and insects) to the nest. In the nest there are often three or four baby birds with their mouths wide open with the hope to “grab a feed”. For a moment the parent bird contemplates with limited memory which mouth to feed. Usually the baby-bird with the widest mouth gets the worm regardless of the possibility that he/she may have had his/her share just a moment ago. The moral of the story is: Those students who show the greatest hunger to master Mathematics prior to the imminent November External Examination will have their mind-puku filled with Mathematics-kai and subsequent success will be inevitable. Needless to say, the parent-bird in this analogy is me, Matua Joseph, the baby birds are those students who will be frequenting me with questions in preparation of the examination and the bird-kai represents the extra lessons that I will be dishing out to the most enthusiastic students.
Our kura has proven to be very popular with QRC (Queenstown Resort Centre) QRC has accepted many of our students in the past and the fortunate ones this year are Charlotte, Sharon, Te Rangimarie, Alexandra, Harmonie and Cannon. Congratulations to the tourism team of the future.
Charlotte is one of our students who has had a very productive year in 2018. She won the title of Miss Far North 2018 during the October school break. The prizes she received include a three-course meal for two at the Kauri Cliffs, a weekend away to the Mt. Ruapehu Ski Fields and an entry to the Miss Earth New Zealand. Charlotte was also accepted to study at QRC (Queenstown Resort College). She applied for the QRC scholarship and was shortlisted to the top five candidates. Well done Charlotte!!!
University Entrance For Aneta-Rea
Congratulations to Aneta-Rea Harris Campbell who received a $10,000 Otago Maori entrance scholarship. She will be attending the University Of Otago in Dunedin. In addition to the scholarship, Aneta-Rea has also been accepted into the Halls of Residence known as Te Rangi Hiroa (named after the first Maori medical graduate of Otago University). Aneta-Rea has worked very hard this year and made 2018 a very good academic year for her.
Cannon Warrior
Congratulations to Cannon Barry-Campbell for making it into the Under-20 Trials for the New Zealand Warriors. This is certainly a “mean feat”. Cannon is a natural when it comes to any type of sport.
Sports News
We had our annual Cross Country event on the last day of Term 3.
Cross Country Results
School-wide Cross Country was held on the last day of Term Four. Congratulations to those students who attended school on the final day and participated for their house groups. Special mentioning goes out to the the following students who gained places in their respected year groups.
House Group Points
The Cross Country House Group Points have been collated and are as follows:
General School-wide Notices
11am Start
School will be CLOSED for this hui so that all staff may attend
Whaea Ngaire wishes to extend a big mihi and thanks to Whaea Isabelle Beddie for re-upholstering the Library chairs. Whaea Isabelle is so kind that she made cushions to match as well. The product, which is truly amazing, speaks volumes of the talent we have here in Broadwood and the kind hearts who are always ready to serve our precious community.