Term 4 2017 Newsletter
Principal’s Mihi
E te Ariki, titiro mai ra ki a matou
E te Ariki whakarongo mai ra ki a matou.
Tenei matou o tamariki
E whakapono ana matou kia koe
Aue, Aue
Te Matua , te tamaiti , Wairua tapu e
E nga matua, e nga whaea, e nga rau rangatira ma mai i te iti ki te rahi
Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena koutou.
I hinga a Donna Morunga tetahi o nga whaea , karangamaha o te hau kainga i te wiki tuatahi o te wa whakataa.
Tino ohorere, na te mea ahua pai tona oranga i nga ra , i nga marama i mua o tona mate.
I waiho e ia ki muri tona hoa rangatira a Harding Morunga, a raua tama Ko Rakairoa raua ko Tokowha, nga hunaonga, me a raua mokopuna, te tini o ona whanaunga me ona hoa.
Haere e ko, haere. Rere atu ki te ao o te rangi a ka noho i reira hei whetu marama..
Apiti hono tatai hono nga hunga mate ki nga hunga mate
Apiti hono tatai hono nga hunga ora tatou ki a tatou.
I timata te wahanga tuawha o te tau, tenei te wa mo nga whakamatautau o NZQA.
Kia kaha ki te whakareri mo nga mahi nui me nga wero a mua i a tatou.
Noho ora i te manaakitanga o te Ariki.
Whaea Pani Hauraki.
Up and Coming Calendar Events:
- Week 1: HG away, Abundant Life Challenge – Netball and Rugby,
- Week 2: Monday(Labour Day), Fruit starts again, Fire Station Challenge 25th with Panguru,
- Week 3: 3rd Nov School Ball , Study Leave starts, Fork Hoist 3 day Course starts,
- Week 4: 9th NCEA Exams Start….
- Week 5:Exams- L1 English 9.30am, L3 Te Reo Maori 9.30am, L3 English, L1 Science,
- Week 6: ASSESSMENT WEEK no trips to be scheduled across this week, Exams-L2 Te Reo Maori, L2 English, L2 Biology, L2 Maths
- Week 7: Report Writing, Exams L3 Maths, L1 Te Reo Maori
- Week 8: Reports to Principal, Activity week…..
- Week 9: 13th Prizegiving, 14-15 Teacher Only Days,
Junior School
Middle School
It has become increasingly difficult to teach some students when they do not have the correct equipment for learning. IT IS IMPERATIVE that students have an IPAD to keep up with their school work.
If your child does not have a device to work on then chances are they are NOT doing the required classroom work.
Senior School
Papa Taiao Programme Completed Papa Taiao has completed its academic programme for this term. Students that are enrolled in this class will be assigned to another timetabled class for Study.
Study leave begins Week 3 Term 4 -on the 3rd of November. Please check the timetable below for students registered into external exams this year. All students who fall below the 80 credits will be expected to return to school to complete the requirements. Students are also invited back into school to prepare for External Exams. Please check the list below for your child’s exam dates and times.
Check Point for Level 1 students
80 NCEA Credits students MUST HAVE 10 Literacy, 10 Numeracy
Check Point for Level 2 students
60 Level 2 NCEA Credits and 20 Credits from anywhere else
Check Point for Level 3 students
60 Level 3 NCEA Credits and 20 Credits from anywhere else
University Entrance
14 Level 3 Credits in 3 approved subjects, 10 Credits in L2 English (5 Read/5 Writing)
The following table is a summary of the students who have been entered to write one or more papers during the November External Examination. Examination candidates are advised to share this information with their whanau to receive additional support at home. In certain cases students will be writing more than two papers per session. The details of these papers are stipulated on the Examination Admission Slips that were handed out. Students should keep their admission slips safe and produce it to the examination centre manager on request.
9:30 | Te Reo | CANNON; HELEN; OCEANIA | |
14Nov | 14:00 | English | ROSALEE; STEVIE-RAE; OCEANIA |
15Nov | 9:30 | Science | HOPE; TIA |
22Nov | 14:00 | Biology | ALEXANDRA; ANETA-REA; TE RANGIMARIE |
27Nov | 9:30 | Mathematics | MAUI; OCEANIA |
NZ Fire Service Challenge: Wednesday
Next Wednesday the New Zealand Fire Service will be visiting our school to talk to our senior students about possible career pathways into the service. We will also be having a fun teams challenge competition.
Fork Hoist Course: The following students have been selected to attend a 3 day Fork Hoist Course run by North Tec Whangarei: Matiu Korewha, Hone Adams, James Hohaia, Tiari Samson, Alec Korewha, Cannon Barry, & Wiremu Emery. It is very important that the boys attend this course, they could gain 14 NCEA Credits. The students will travel with Lewis Brown and stay in Whangarei on 31st October – 2nd November.(Week 3)
Sports News
Tennis Champs………… The sun is out and the tennis courts are ready…………………… there are trophies up for grabs, so enter into the school wide tennis champs……you got to be in to WIN
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RTucker Thompson Voyage
On Saturday 23rd September I was privileged enough to attend the R Tucker Thompson Voyage. I had to travel to Opua Wharf first to catch the boat. Below is a brief description of what my days endured.
Day1: We spent introducing ourselves to all the other participants from other schools who were chosen to attend. We did a lot of team bonding games to help us feel comfortable with each other and gain some new friends. During this time we sailed around the Bay, taking in all the scenery and getting used to the movement of the ship. We stopped and did a huge hike up a big mountain to help challenge us physically and mentally.
Day2: We had to get up at 7:00am and jump in the water. It was freezing but a nice wake up call. We then were rostered on for chores including the dishes, washing the deck, making breakfast and making sure the cabins were clean. The breakfast was mean as. After we finished breakfast we sailed out to Moturoa Island and learnt heaps about sailing.
Day3: We went ashore Moturoa Island and did a beach clean up, picking up all the discarded rubbish. Went diving and got some kinas which were yummy to eat as well. Towards the afternoon we did the Tucker Challenge which was climbing up to the tip of the sail and having a relay. We ended up sailing to Mahinepua
Day4: Sailed up to Taemaro Bay and the exciting thing that happened on this day was seeing a killer whale. It was huge and such a magnificent creature.
Day5: We sailed up to Whangaroa and did a 2hr hike. This challenged us mentally and physically but we felt good when we accomplished it. We were treated with a swim, some more diving for some seafood and even had a night swim.
Day6: We slept in which was a luxury and sailed back down to Paradise Bay. We went ashore and just relaxed out on the beach and played some games. We did some more diving and sailed to Turtle Island.
Day7: We had a big breakfast and did a big clean up of the boat. Making sure we respected the boat and all its gear. The ship got handed to us to control and sail us back home. This was a cool experience to be in charge of our own sailing and to work together as a crew. We arrived back safely, said our goodbyes to all my new friends and received a certificate.
Overall, the experience was once in a lifetime and I encourage other students to attend if they get the opportunity. I achieved some personal goals and gained new friends, as well as having more of an appreciation for the sea and the environment we live in.
I would like to take the time to thank Whaea Danelle and Whaea Pani for allowing me to go on the trip. I am very appreciative of the opportunity and have gained many memories which I will treasure.
Thank you Na Hope Pihema
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The Board has accepted the resignation of Whaea Pani Hauraki.
A meeting is being arranged with the School Trustees association, an advertisement will be placed in the Education Gazette, local newspapers and on Social media.
All parents and prospective parents should take the opportunity to consult with current Board of Trustee members to ensure that the qualities that you prefer in a school leader and Principal are shared.
Catherine Semenoff- Murray has taken one year leave to work on their family farm.
General School-wide Notices
To the cloud we go……… As technology improves so must we, so it’s off to the cloud for our school. Staff, teachers and students will now be taking full advantage of using and storing our mahi on GOOGLE DRIVE. All students have a school email account which is connected to GOOGLE DRIVE where they have access to all Google APPs for Education.
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KAMAR will also be hosted in the cloud – We will also be moving our Student Management System to the cloud as well.
PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning)
School Rules
Aroha tetahi ki tetahi
Respect one another and school property
Whai koha, tiakina te kura
. Be prompt and prepared for learning every day
Kia rite mo te kura ia ra.
Remain in the school grounds and classrooms
Noho marika ki nga akomanga
Follow the dress code of the school
Whaia katoatia nga ture mo nga kakahu kura
Broadwood Area School has won prizes at the Regional Science Fair in Kerikeri for the third year in a row. We remember John-Alec and Marlon who won a $50 bronze award in 2015 and Turoa who won a $50 bronze award and an additional $50 for her contribution to the design of the new science fair logo in 2016. This year Ngataiawa and Kazius received a $100 silver award for their science fair project “Wheel Science”.
THE AUSSIES WERE IMPRESSED WITH US -Bellingen High School on the North Coast of NSW
We recently hosted Australian students at our kura for the day. They wanted to know more about our culture and there is no better place to get their Maori cultural experience than with us here at Broadwood Area School. The school landed in Auckland Airport and travelled to the North staying in Paihia. There first visit was here at our kura. There were 15 students and 5 adults. Everybody agreed that this was a very special day. We are thinking about visiting them next. Special thanks to all the staff and students for a lovely powhiri and a great day of sharing.
Wananga Reo / After School Tutoring
He mihi nui tēnei ki ngā tauira (Hope, Hone, John-Alec, Charlotte, Sharon, Aneta-Rea, Te Rangimarie mā) i tae mai ki ngā wānanga ā muri i te kura i tērā wahanga ki te whakaoti mahi me te whakapakari anō i ō koutou mātauranga nā reira, me mihi ka tika. He tino pai ki te noho tahi ki a koutou me te ū kaha ki roto i ngā mahi i waho atu i ngā wā o te kura. I tūtuki pai koutou i ngā mahi, ā, i whai hoki koutou i ngā uara o te kura, arā, te AROHA, te TIKA me te PONO i ngā wa katoa. Tau kē koutou!
E whakarite ana mātou he wānanga anō kia whai wā anō ngā tauira e hiahia ana ki te āta whakariterite i ngā whakaaro me ngā mahi mō ngā aromatawai ā waho. Nā Whaea Rewa
“Whaia tonutia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he manga teitei”
The Senior School Ball – Winter Wonderland on Sale NOW…….
3rd November 2017
Venue A&P Hall
Couples $40.00
Singles $25.00
Today was a fine show of sports and sportsmanship as we battled it out for the long awaited Ferrar Cup Challenge
Our rangatahi played well and unfortunately we handed over the trophy to Abundant Life. More korero and photos to come in the next newsletter.
BAS Netball 6-22, BAS Ki-o-rahi 12-24 and the BAS First XV losing (score yet to be confirmed at time of print)
No School on Monday 23rd October – Labour Day – See you all back on Tuesday 24th October