2018 Term 1 – Newsletter 2

    cropped-Cabu-Web-Banners-updated.jpg  2018 Term 1 – Newsletter 2

E nga matua, nga whaea nga rau rangatira ma o tenei takiwa,  tēnā koutou katoa Ka whakaaro ki nga tini o nga hunga kua whetūrangitia, ka titiro ki ngā waihotanga iho, hoianō rā ka tukua rātou kia okioki. I tenei wa pouri i tuku aroha ki te whanau Gregory na te hinga o a tatou kaumatua a Ross, moe mai ra e te rangatira, Ka tukua rātou te hunga mate ki a rātou. Ka hoki mai ki a tātou te hunga ora, te whanau hoki o te kura nei tēnā koutou katoa.

We pay tribute to Matua Ross Gregory who sadly passed away early this week. We had the privilege to work alongside him teaching our tamariki in Te Puna – Total Immersion Unit . Matua Ross was one of the reasons the school wharehui and marae became a reality. His mahi whakairo adorns our Whare-Te Whiringa o te muka tangata and our Te Puna Unit. He was well loved and respected by his students and colleagues and will be missed dearly. He often popped into the school to see how we were getting along and to say kia ora.  Last year we were honoured by a presentation made at our End of Year Prizegiving by Ross’s daughter and mokopuna, it was the Dr Bruce Gregory Senior Te Reo Maori Trophy.  My sons Darcy and Shaun,  like many others had the honour of being in his classes as he passed on his carving skills (mahi whakairo)  along with his story telling particularly around the history of our rohe, a very knowledgeable man. He rangatira ia mo to tatou kura, he rangatira hoki o Te Rarawa , nana i noho hei Kaiarahi. We send our aroha to his wife Raewyn, his tamariki and mokopuna.  Aroha ki te whanau o Manganuiowae me te whanau Gregory.



Up and Coming Events: 

  • 14th March- RYDA Year 11-13
  • 15th March – Beginners Principals Hui
  • 16th March – Kahui Ako Hui Rawene, TROT Hui,
  • 16th-18th March -Kapa Haka Live In No2
  • 21st March- Far North Swimming Champs – Kaitaia
  • 23rd March – Ki-o-rahi Competition – Yr 7-8
  • 23-25 March – Kapa Haka Live In No3
  • 6-8 April – Kapa Haka Live In No4
  • 11-12 April – Tai Tokerau Festival – Kerikeri High


Junior School Kia ora whanau My name is Harriet Savage and I am the new teacher for the Junior Y4 – Y6 class.  It has been a busy term getting to know the students, their learning styles, behaviour patterns and general outlook of Life.  It has also been a learning process for myself having moved from a very large diverse state school in South Auckland to a small rural Far North kura.  I am committed to ensure that the learning of our tamariki will be in good stead for their future in this modern world so that they can grow in stature and knowledge.  No reira tena koutou tena koutou  tena koutou katoa


Sugar Cubes Melt, We Don’t On 2 March 2018 our Juniors competed at the annual North Hokianga Swimming Gala held at the Kohukohu Primary School swimming pool.  It was a rainy day, but that did not put our tamariki off in the least.  They showed their steel like true Kiwis and managed to have had an enjoyable day.


Middle School Greetings from the Woodwork shop at BAS

As we are approaching the halfway mark for Term One the Year 7 and 8 students who have completed and proudly taken home their pencil boxes and are ploughing into their next projects.
Students of the Year 9&10 class are making good headway with their coffee tables.  They are mastering the mortice and tennon joints which is not easy to do!
The seniors are having some theory work in order to gain the 4 credits at Level One.  Once the theory work is out of the way, we intend to turn some Macrocarpa slabs into fine picnic tables for the school.
Matua Phil Baptise 
Our primary purpose in Science is to learn about the nature of Science.  Our secondary purpose is to have a bit of fun while we learn about the scientific concepts and processes.  Students have their own idea of what are regarded as fun activities.  This is why Tia Proctor asked me to supply her and the rest of her class with the ingredients to make slime.  The Year 7 and 8 students have became the Hokianga experts in making slime.  However, the cleaners have complained that there are slime all over the school.  We can have fun, but not at the expense of others.

Senior School 


Tēnā rā koutou Te Whānau, he mihi maioha, he mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa i runga i ngā piki me ngā heke o te wā. He pānui tēnei ki te whakamōhio atu ki a koutou he aha ngā mahi o te kapa i tēnei wā. Tuatahi ake, ka hiahia māua ko Whaea Eilleen ki te tuku pīīki mihi ki ō tātou whānau, arā, a Aunty Cheryl Waipouri, Aunty Sarah Rudolph, Aunty Narni Ihaka me Terina Connelly i hara mai ki te awhi i tō tātou nei rōpū Kapa Haka o Manganui-o-wae i ngā rā whakatā kua pahure ake nei. He mea nui te whakarite kai mō ā tātou tamariki i ngā wā o ngā noho nā reira, me mihi ka tika. He tino pai tō tātou nei noho tahi, wānanga i raro i te maru o Te Whiringa-o-te-Muka Tangata. Pai mutunga te āhua o ngā tamariki me ā rātou whanonga hoki. I ako mātou i te waiata tira me ngā kupu o te whakaeke. Ko ngā tauira e kawe ana i te nuinga o ngā mahi mō te kapa nā reira he mahi rangatira tēnā, he maha hoki ngā pūkenga e ako ana e rātou i roto i ēnei tūmomo wānanga. Ka tū he noho anō i ēnei rā whakatā nā reira, kaua e wareware ki te tae ā tinana mai ki ngā noho tamariki mā. Koinā aku kōrero mō tēnei wā. Tēnā anō Te Whānau Nā Rewa rāua ko Whaea Eileen

Students Against Dangerous Driving 

Senior students were given an opportunity to attend a Workshop at Okaihau College on Monday 12th March. We are looking forward to their feedback which will be published in the next newsletter.

Students Against Dangerous Driving (SADD) is committed to empower young Kiwis to prevent any loss of lives on our roads.  SADD is driven by students aged thirteen to nineteen years old across New Zealand.  The goal of the last workshop was to empower local students to kick-start SADD-programmes within their own schools.  Students were given the tools to educate and motivation their fellow students to effectively run a SADD movement at their own kura.  SADD workshops are designed to be both interactive and informative, but above all it is a fun-filled and free learning opportunity. 

RYDA Programme

RYDA is a Road Safety Education Programme designed for senior high school students.  RYDA is annually held at the Te Ahu Centre in Kaitaia. Students are divided into class-sized groups and moved through a series of six workshops.  Five of these workshops occur in a classroom environment and one workshop occurs alongside  a section of roadway or car park area.  The RYDA-programme is inclusive and interactive and all students who attend are given the opportunity to participate. This programme is provided by Road Safety Education Limited (RSE), coordinated by local Rotary Clubs and delivered by RSE-trained facilitators. 


A huge congratulations to the following successful students who passed

the end of year external exams……..Ka mau te wehi…….

Alexandra Bedggood: 4 credits achieved in Level 2 English AS 91099 Aneta-Rea Harris-Campbell: 4 credits achieved in Level 2 English AS 91099; 4 credits achieved in Level 2 Science AS 91157; 6 credits achieved in Level 1 Te Reo Maori AS 91087; 6 credits achieved WITH MERIT in Level 1 Te Reo Maori AS 91088; 6 credits achieved in Level 2 Te Reo Maori AS 91286, Tia Roberts 4 credits achieved in Level 1 MCAT AS 91027; 4 credits achieved in Level 1 Science AS 90944; 6 credits achieved in Te Reo Maori Level 1 AS 91087; 6 credits achieved in Te Reo Maori Level 1 AS 91088; 4 credits achieved in Level 1 English AS 90850, Hope Pihema: 6 credits achieved in Te Reo Maori Level 1 AS 91088 Wiremu Emery: 6 credits achieved in Level 1 Te Reo Maori AS 91088, Charlotte Chapman-Kete: 6 credits achieved in Level 2 Te Reo Maori AS 91286, John Alec Grbich: 12 credits achieved in Level 1 Visual Arts AS 90916, Stevie-Rae Harris-Campbell: 12 credits achieved WITH MERIT in Level 2 Visual Arts AS 91321, Waimaria McMath-Shaka: 4 credits achieved in Level 1 English AS 90849; 4 credits achieved in Level 1 English AS 90850,

 75 papers were offered, 18 papers were passed       24% Achievement across the NCEA Year 11+ Classes

Well done to all students who gave it their best and well done to our teachers for preparing our students…..

  Greetings from the Mathematics Department In Term One Mathematics students of Y 7-13 have been focusing on a number of strategies in solving problems.  This involves basic skills required for problem solving as individuals as well as in a group context. Thought of the week: Why do they call them ‘Zebra crossings’, despite the fact that the camouflage effect makes them far more perilous for Zebras?!  Who can figure out the deeper thought behind this question?  It is a simple matter of Mathematics.

Senior Correspondence Studies There are a number of students who are doing courses via Te Kura Pounamu Correspondence School this year.  Some  students do not like teachers to talk to much.  Well, online study is the perfect way to spare their ears.  One thing is for sure: students cannot get away from the korero, whether it is verbal or written.  One good thing about correspondence study at our kura is the fact that students have an online Te Kura Pounamu tutor additional to their teachers here at BAS.  The coordinators of the online study at BAS (Matua Carl and Whaea Renee) have been monitoring the online engagement of these students.  Online learning, which is a slow but definitive way of learning, requires students to work beyond the scheduled class time.  The end products of successful online study are matured, self-directed and self-motivated life-long learners.

English in Term One

Senior English The goal for all students at Manganuiowae Broadwood Area School is to achieve 4 credits per term in each subject which they take. To make this achievable it is imperative that students understand that they work consistently in and out of class so that the workload is spread evenly over the year. Therefore, it is important that students are aware of, and adhere to the deadlines for handing in work. A failure to do so (without an adequate excuse) may well result in students not achieving enough credits to complete NCEA at any given level of study. These deadlines for Term One 2018 are set out below:

Level Three Achievement StandardConnections Across Text (4 credits) Students are expected to write one essay of 800-1000 words about four texts (this can be any combination of film, novels, poetry, video, songs, short stories and non-fiction) which have similar themes or connections, which students are expected to identify and write about. Deadlines: Thursday 1st March – section one on Text#1 to be completed Thursday 15th March – section two on Text#2 to be completed Thursday 29th March – section three on Text#3 to be completed Thursday 12th April – section  four on Text#4 to be completed and essay handed in. Level Two Achievement Standard – Responses to Independently Read Texts (4 credits) Students are required to read and respond in writing to 6 texts (6 responses): –         2 extended texts (novels, novella, non-fiction books) –         2 visual texts (films or videos) –         2 magazine or newspaper articles Each response at Level 2 is expected to be at least 300 words long. Deadlines: Thursday 22nd February –  Reading Response #1 Thursday 1st March – Reading Response #2 Thursday 8th March – Reading Response #3 Thursday 15th March – Reading Response #4 Thursday 22nd March – Reading Response #5 Thursday 29th March – Reading Response #6

Level One Achievement Standard – Responses to Independently Read Texts (4 credits) Students are required to read and respond in writing to 6 texts (6 responses): –         2 extended texts (novels, novella, non-fiction books) –         2 visual texts (films or videos) –         2 magazine or newspaper articles Each response at Level 1 is expected to be at least 200 words long. Deadlines: Thursday 22nd February –  Reading Response #1 Thursday 1st March – Reading Response #2 Thursday 8th March – Reading Response #3 Thursday 15th March – Reading Response #4 Thursday 22nd March – Reading Response #5 Thursday 29th March – Reading Response #6 NB – Responses may be completed and submitted electronically or hand-written. It is up to each student to retain a copy or photocopy of each response in case the original is misplaced.


Sports News


Congratulations to all participants who entered for the School Wide Swimming Sports held in Week 4.  All contributions to the day are acknowledged and the efforts of our tamariki are highly appreciated.  A big mihi to the whanau who came to support the kaupapa and to watch their tamariki take part in the swimming events. Sport days like these are organised so that our students can enjoy some time out of the classroom.   This also gives students the opportunity to achieve beyond the academic arena and to display their sport skills to their peers, teachers and whanau.  During events like this students compete for trophies, points for their House Groups, but ultimately to challenge themselves. Below are the overall winners of each age category. 



Year 3-4Girls Year 3-4Boys Year 5-6Girls Year 5-6Boys Year 7-8Girls
  1. Alexandrina Fenton
  2. Elizabeth Linder
  3. Kodi Jane Porter-Rankin
  1. Kauri Waipouri
  2. Wiremu Buchanan
  3. Lucas Fenton


  1. Emmy Lou Pirini
  2. Monique Roberts Brown


  1. Taua McMath
  2. Kawiti Moa
  3. Sonny Jon Grbich


  1. Zaria Murray
  2. Phaige Daly
  3. Anataia Adams


Year 7-8Boys Year 9-10Girls Year 9-10Boys Year 11+Girls Year 11+Boys
  1. Ashley Joe Pomare- Heta
  2. Jordan Chapman
  3. Joseph Swasbrook


  1. Johnny Edmonds Chapman
  2. Barry Kilmartin
  3. Kazius Williams


  1. Tia Roberts
  2. Ariana Adams
  3. Harmony Gundry


  1. Tiari Samson
  2. Wiremu Emery
  3. Paora Proctor



  Swimming Sport Results 2018

House Group Points










1.  Bismark Fenton2= Zion Rollinson2= Jaan Kumar3. John Karena Wilson 1. Emma Little 1. Elizabeth Linder2. Alexandrina Fenton3. Kodi Jane Porter Rankin 1. Wiremu Buchanan2. Lucas Fenton3. Keith Buchanan
1.Taua McMath2. Sonny-Jon Grbich3. Joel Little  1.Emmylou Pirini2. Monique Roberts Brown 1. Ashley Jo Pomare-Heta2. Jordan Chapman3. Rawson Shane Girbich 1. Zaria Murray2.Phaige Daly3. Tia Roberts 
1. Jamie Moa2.Anyah Tito3. Tamina Ratahi 1= Antonio Trifilo1=Ngataiawa Pirini1=Kazius Williams2= Edward Tamati2= Johnny Edmonds-Chapman3= Barry Kilmartin 1.Wiremu Emery2.Daniel Haturini3.Tiari Samson 1.Tia Roberts2.Ariana Adams3. Sharon Edmonds Chapman


Athletics Day Overall House Group Points
















General School-wide Notices  


Schoolwide Uniform Check….. Please ensure your child has the correct school uniform every day.  Pastoral teachers will be checking the dress code of students as they come into their pastoral classes.  If your child needs a school jacket for the coming colder days, please place an order at the school office. Price List:

  • Winter Jackets $85.00
  • Summer (Lighter) Jackets $40.00

Our Board of Trustees 2018 


Te Manawa Tahi o Hokianga will be at our school

Wednesday 21st MARCH




A huge mihi to our whanau for coming along to the open Academic Counselling Day. There were lots of great feed back and korero between whanau and teachers. Our pastoral teachers will be in touch with our whanau who could not make it. Another time will be arranged very shortly. Please contact the office if you have a preferred day and time.  

We would also like acknowledge and thank Mrs Morey for putting on a beautiful morning tea / kai for the staff and whanau across the day. Nga mihi nui ki a koe Whaea, he whakaro rawe tena. 







By | 2018-05-21T12:36:41+00:00 14th March 2018|Academic|